Uitstekende, Engelstalige natuurgids van het Rhodopegebergte op de grens van Griekenland en Bulgarije, met Nestos, Evros en Dadia. Met veel achtergrondinformaite over flora en fauna. Daarnaast worden er meerdere wandelingen beschreven emt kaartmateriaal.
Our nature Guide to the Eastern Rhodopes covers the rhodope mountains around the Arda river and Madzharovo in Bulgaria, as well as Dadia forest, Evros and the Nestos river in Greece. The guide has all you need to know about birdwatching, nature trails, hiking and geology. The book is your source for finding birds, including Masked Shrike, Sombre Tit, Levant Sparrowhawk and Black Vulture, but also describes where to find orchids, rare dragonflies, butterflies and reptiles. It contains both routes and interesting background information and is written for a wide audience of ecotourists.
In the border area of southeast Bulgaria and northeast Greece lie the remote mountains of the Eastern Rhodopes. This surprisingly wild and unspoiled region is home to an extraordinary array of rare species and exciting habitats. Together with the adjacent National Park of Dadia, the Evros Delta and the Nestos Delta in Greece, this guide covers a whole range habitats, from salt and freshwater marshes to steep rock cliffs and from Mediterranean scrubland to cool beech forests.
Hidden trails
This is the heartland of ancient Thrace - a landscape of both rolling hills and steep and rocky drops. The mountains are sparsely populated and partially deserted, but recently, it is discovered by nature travellers, both from Bulgaria and from abroad. They are (re)discovering the many hidden trails, the breathtaking landscapes and new populations of flora and fauna, which include south-after species like Wolf, Golden Jackal, Masked Shrike, Western Rock Nuthatch, its many tortoises and snakes, the Bulgarian Emerald dragonfly and plenty of rare wildflowers. This region also ranks among the best in Europe to see birds of prey and reptiles. Of the first, the many Egyptian, Griffon and Black Vultures against the blue sky, are an iconic image of the Eastern Rhodopes. Looking on the ground, the frequent encounters with Greek and Hermann’s Tortoises trotting over the flower-speckled forest floor, form an unforgettable Rhodopean experience.
One of the most striking features of the region is the swift succession from mountains to coastal lowlands. The latter, with its pelicans, flamingos, ibises and Pygmy Cormorants are a treat of its own. The coast is mostly a birdwatching destination, with the Evros Delta, among the most important coastal wetlands of Europe, the piece de resistance.
Bekijk alle Europa
Our nature Guide to the Eastern Rhodopes covers the rhodope mountains around the Arda river and Madzharovo in Bulgaria, as well as Dadia forest, Evros and the Nestos river in Greece. The guide has all you need to know about birdwatching, nature trails, hiking and geology. The book is your source for finding birds, including Masked Shrike, Sombre Tit, Levant Sparrowhawk and Black Vulture, but also describes where to find orchids, rare dragonflies, butterflies and reptiles. It contains both routes and interesting background information and is written for a wide audience of ecotourists.
In the border area of southeast Bulgaria and northeast Greece lie the remote mountains of the Eastern Rhodopes. This surprisingly wild and unspoiled region is home to an extraordinary array of rare species and exciting habitats. Together with the adjacent National Park of Dadia, the Evros Delta and the Nestos Delta in Greece, this guide covers a whole range habitats, from salt and freshwater marshes to steep rock cliffs and from Mediterranean scrubland to cool beech forests.
Hidden trails
This is the heartland of ancient Thrace - a landscape of both rolling hills and steep and rocky drops. The mountains are sparsely populated and partially deserted, but recently, it is discovered by nature travellers, both from Bulgaria and from abroad. They are (re)discovering the many hidden trails, the breathtaking landscapes and new populations of flora and fauna, which include south-after species like Wolf, Golden Jackal, Masked Shrike, Western Rock Nuthatch, its many tortoises and snakes, the Bulgarian Emerald dragonfly and plenty of rare wildflowers. This region also ranks among the best in Europe to see birds of prey and reptiles. Of the first, the many Egyptian, Griffon and Black Vultures against the blue sky, are an iconic image of the Eastern Rhodopes. Looking on the ground, the frequent encounters with Greek and Hermann’s Tortoises trotting over the flower-speckled forest floor, form an unforgettable Rhodopean experience.
One of the most striking features of the region is the swift succession from mountains to coastal lowlands. The latter, with its pelicans, flamingos, ibises and Pygmy Cormorants are a treat of its own. The coast is mostly a birdwatching destination, with the Evros Delta, among the most important coastal wetlands of Europe, the piece de resistance.
Bekijk alle Europa

De natuurgidsen die uitgegeven worden door de Nederlandse non-profit organisatie The Crosbill Guides Foundation zijn van uitmuntende kwaliteit. Crossbill Guides geven veel informatie over mooie en bijzondere natuurgebieden in Europa, waaronder de Cevennen, de Extremadura, Lesbos, Pyreneeën en Fins Lapland.

De natuurgidsen die uitgegeven worden door de Nederlandse non-profit organisatie The Crosbill Guides Foundation zijn van uitmuntende kwaliteit. Crossbill Guides geven veel informatie over mooie en bijzondere natuurgebieden in Europa, waaronder de Cevennen, de Extremadura, Lesbos, Pyreneeën en Fins Lapland.
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Zwerfkei verzorgt de begeleiding en de afhandeling van garantiegevallen voor u. Wij bieden het product na beoordeling ter reparatie aan bij de fabrikant/importeur of één van hun professionele servicediensten. Wij onderhouden goede contacten met onze servicediensten en samen zorgen wij ervoor dat elk defect zo snel mogelijk opgelost wordt.
Ma | 13:00 - 18:00 uur |
Di | 09:00 - 18:00 uur |
Wo | 09:00 - 18:00 uur |
Do | 09:00 - 18:00 uur |
Vr | 09:00 - 21:00 uur |
Za | 09:00 - 17:00 uur |
Zo | gesloten |
3446 CR Woerden