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Gekozen: Walking the Camino dos Faros wandelgids
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Compacte, Engelstalige wandelgids van de Camino dos Faros langs de kust van Galicië: 200 kilometer tussen Malpica en Fisterra /Finisterra.

  • 8 dagetappes
  • Informatie over accommodatie met contactinformatie
  • Overzichtkaartjes met schaal 1:50.000
The Way of the Lighthouses on Spain's Galician coast

Guidebook to walking the Camino dos Faros, the way of the lighthouses, along the Galician coast in northwest Spain. The 200km route is described across 8 stages of between 17 and 29km and takes in some of the area's most wild and enchanting coastal scenery, with dramatic cliffs and deep river estuaries. Incorporates some challenging walking.

This guidebook explores the Camiño dos Faros (the Way of the Lighthouses), a 200km hike around the remote northwest corner of Spain. Starting in the old whaling town of Malpica and ending in Fisterra (Spain's Land's End), the eight day hike along the Costa da Morte follows a path that sticks limpet-like to the Atlantic coast. It's a spectacular walk along dramatic cliffs and around deep, verdant river estuaries, exploring the rich Galician culture and history. With stages between 18 and 29km per day, this is a hike suitable for walkers willing to undertake reasonably long days and the occasional scramble up and down beach paths. 

The guide provides in-depth descriptions of the route alongside clear mapping to aid navigation. It includes practical information for both before and during your trip, and details about wildlife and historic sites along the walk. In the back of the guide are a series of appendices listing accommodation, main Galician festivals, and useful contacts. 

The Camiño dos Faros follows the wild coast of the Costa da Morte, which is battered by storms racing in from the Atlantic. For shipping it is one of the world's most dangerous coastlines and its ominous name meaning 'the coast of death' is well deserved. 'Dos Faros' refers to a series of beautifully located lighthouses that attempt to warn sailors of the perils that await them. The sea has shaped the landscape and the Galician culture, and the locally caught seafood including razor clams and percebes should not be missed.

Stage 1 Malpica to Praia de Niñóns
Stage 2 Praia de Niñóns to Ponteceso
Stage 3 Ponteceso to Laxe
Stage 4 Laxe to Arou
Stage 5 Arou to Camariñas
Stage 6 Camariñas to Muxía
Stage 7 Muxía to Praia de Nemiña
Stage 8 Praia de Nemiña to Cabo Fisterra

Appendix A Trek planning table
Appendix B Accommodation
Appendix C Main Galician festivals
Appendix D Useful contacts

Bekijk alle Europa


Compacte, Engelstalige wandelgids van de Camino dos Faros langs de kust van Galicië: 200 kilometer tussen Malpica en Fisterra /Finisterra.
  • 8 dagetappes
  • Informatie over accommodatie met contactinformatie
  • Overzichtkaartjes met schaal 1:50.000
The Way of the Lighthouses on Spain's Galician coast

Guidebook to walking the Camino dos Faros, the way of the lighthouses, along the Galician coast in northwest Spain. The 200km route is described across 8 stages of between 17 and 29km and takes in some of the area's most wild and enchanting coastal scenery, with dramatic cliffs and deep river estuaries. Incorporates some challenging walking.

This guidebook explores the Camiño dos Faros (the Way of the Lighthouses), a 200km hike around the remote northwest corner of Spain. Starting in the old whaling town of Malpica and ending in Fisterra (Spain's Land's End), the eight day hike along the Costa da Morte follows a path that sticks limpet-like to the Atlantic coast. It's a spectacular walk along dramatic cliffs and around deep, verdant river estuaries, exploring the rich Galician culture and history. With stages between 18 and 29km per day, this is a hike suitable for walkers willing to undertake reasonably long days and the occasional scramble up and down beach paths. 

The guide provides in-depth descriptions of the route alongside clear mapping to aid navigation. It includes practical information for both before and during your trip, and details about wildlife and historic sites along the walk. In the back of the guide are a series of appendices listing accommodation, main Galician festivals, and useful contacts. 

The Camiño dos Faros follows the wild coast of the Costa da Morte, which is battered by storms racing in from the Atlantic. For shipping it is one of the world's most dangerous coastlines and its ominous name meaning 'the coast of death' is well deserved. 'Dos Faros' refers to a series of beautifully located lighthouses that attempt to warn sailors of the perils that await them. The sea has shaped the landscape and the Galician culture, and the locally caught seafood including razor clams and percebes should not be missed.

Stage 1 Malpica to Praia de Niñóns
Stage 2 Praia de Niñóns to Ponteceso
Stage 3 Ponteceso to Laxe
Stage 4 Laxe to Arou
Stage 5 Arou to Camariñas
Stage 6 Camariñas to Muxía
Stage 7 Muxía to Praia de Nemiña
Stage 8 Praia de Nemiña to Cabo Fisterra

Appendix A Trek planning table
Appendix B Accommodation
Appendix C Main Galician festivals
Appendix D Useful contacts

Bekijk alle Europa






Het merk Cicerone



De Engelse uitgever Cicerone Press, met als basis het Engelse Lake District, is sinds 1967 een specialist op het gebied van oudoorgidsen. Cicerone brengt talloze wandelgidsen voor zowel Groot-Brittanië, de Alpen, Himalaya als menig ander gebied, uit. Ook gidsen voor fietstochten, klim-, navigatie- en andere technieken behoren tot hun gamma. Cicerone heeft gidsen voor de Himalaya, alle National Trails van Groot-Brittannië, bijna 40 gidsen over Schotland en de meest uitgebreide reeks titels over de Alpen - in het Engels - beschikbaar. De Cicerone gidsen zijn geschreven voor en door outdoor mensen. De selectie bestaat uit zowel populaire als nieuwe, boeiende te ontdekken gebieden, zoals de Drakensbergen in Zuid-Afrika, de prachtige kust van Amalfi in Italië of de eilanden van de Schotse kust.




De Engelse uitgever Cicerone Press, met als basis het Engelse Lake District, is sinds 1967 een specialist op het gebied van oudoorgidsen. Cicerone brengt talloze wandelgidsen voor zowel Groot-Brittanië, de Alpen, Himalaya als menig ander gebied, uit. Ook gidsen voor fietstochten, klim-, navigatie- en andere technieken behoren tot hun gamma. Cicerone heeft gidsen voor de Himalaya, alle National Trails van Groot-Brittannië, bijna 40 gidsen over Schotland en de meest uitgebreide reeks titels over de Alpen - in het Engels - beschikbaar. De Cicerone gidsen zijn geschreven voor en door outdoor mensen. De selectie bestaat uit zowel populaire als nieuwe, boeiende te ontdekken gebieden, zoals de Drakensbergen in Zuid-Afrika, de prachtige kust van Amalfi in Italië of de eilanden van de Schotse kust.




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