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Guidebook to walking the Cotswold Way National Trail. Between Chipping Campden and Bath, the 102 mile route explores the Cotswolds AONB. Described in both directions over 13 stages, the Cotswold Way can be walked year round and is suitable for beginner trekkers. Includes separate OS 1:25,000 map booklet of the route.

Guidebook to walking the 102 mile (163km) Cotswold Way National Trail between Chipping Campden and Bath, across the Cotswolds AONB. The guidebook - which includes both a guide to the route and a separate OS 1:25,000 map booklet - describes the route in both directions.

The route is described over 13 stages, each following the Cotswold escarpment, with dramatic and far-reaching views across the Severn Vale towards the Welsh hills, plunging down to visit honey-coloured villages, old market towns and the elegant and historic city of Bath. The longest of the 13 stages is 10 miles, the shortest 6 miles: these are dictated by the existence of overnight accommodation. For the determined, the trail can be walked in as little as five days.

The Cotswold Way offers a wonderful walker's landscape, featuring beautiful woodland, pretty cottages and ancient battlefields. The route can be walked all year round, and is suitable for walkers of all abilities. It became a National Trail in May 2007, despite having been a much-loved walking route for more than 35 years. This guidebook is illustrated with maps and the author's own full-colour photographs. The stage-by-stage route description is accompanied by overview maps at a scale of 1:100,000 (1cm to 1 mile).

A more detailed OS map of the Way is supplied in booklet form, at a scale of 1:25,000, slid into the back of the book. A trek planner gives at a glance information about facilities, public transport and accommodation available along the way. The guidebook also provides background information on local geology, wildlife and history.

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Guidebook to walking the Cotswold Way National Trail. Between Chipping Campden and Bath, the 102 mile route explores the Cotswolds AONB. Described in both directions over 13 stages, the Cotswold Way can be walked year round and is suitable for beginner trekkers. Includes separate OS 1:25,000 map booklet of the route.

Guidebook to walking the 102 mile (163km) Cotswold Way National Trail between Chipping Campden and Bath, across the Cotswolds AONB. The guidebook - which includes both a guide to the route and a separate OS 1:25,000 map booklet - describes the route in both directions.

The route is described over 13 stages, each following the Cotswold escarpment, with dramatic and far-reaching views across the Severn Vale towards the Welsh hills, plunging down to visit honey-coloured villages, old market towns and the elegant and historic city of Bath. The longest of the 13 stages is 10 miles, the shortest 6 miles: these are dictated by the existence of overnight accommodation. For the determined, the trail can be walked in as little as five days.

The Cotswold Way offers a wonderful walker's landscape, featuring beautiful woodland, pretty cottages and ancient battlefields. The route can be walked all year round, and is suitable for walkers of all abilities. It became a National Trail in May 2007, despite having been a much-loved walking route for more than 35 years. This guidebook is illustrated with maps and the author's own full-colour photographs. The stage-by-stage route description is accompanied by overview maps at a scale of 1:100,000 (1cm to 1 mile).

A more detailed OS map of the Way is supplied in booklet form, at a scale of 1:25,000, slid into the back of the book. A trek planner gives at a glance information about facilities, public transport and accommodation available along the way. The guidebook also provides background information on local geology, wildlife and history.

Bekijk alle Europa






Het merk Cicerone



De Engelse uitgever Cicerone Press, met als basis het Engelse Lake District, is sinds 1967 een specialist op het gebied van oudoorgidsen. Cicerone brengt talloze wandelgidsen voor zowel Groot-Brittanië, de Alpen, Himalaya als menig ander gebied, uit. Ook gidsen voor fietstochten, klim-, navigatie- en andere technieken behoren tot hun gamma. Cicerone heeft gidsen voor de Himalaya, alle National Trails van Groot-Brittannië, bijna 40 gidsen over Schotland en de meest uitgebreide reeks titels over de Alpen - in het Engels - beschikbaar. De Cicerone gidsen zijn geschreven voor en door outdoor mensen. De selectie bestaat uit zowel populaire als nieuwe, boeiende te ontdekken gebieden, zoals de Drakensbergen in Zuid-Afrika, de prachtige kust van Amalfi in Italië of de eilanden van de Schotse kust.




De Engelse uitgever Cicerone Press, met als basis het Engelse Lake District, is sinds 1967 een specialist op het gebied van oudoorgidsen. Cicerone brengt talloze wandelgidsen voor zowel Groot-Brittanië, de Alpen, Himalaya als menig ander gebied, uit. Ook gidsen voor fietstochten, klim-, navigatie- en andere technieken behoren tot hun gamma. Cicerone heeft gidsen voor de Himalaya, alle National Trails van Groot-Brittannië, bijna 40 gidsen over Schotland en de meest uitgebreide reeks titels over de Alpen - in het Engels - beschikbaar. De Cicerone gidsen zijn geschreven voor en door outdoor mensen. De selectie bestaat uit zowel populaire als nieuwe, boeiende te ontdekken gebieden, zoals de Drakensbergen in Zuid-Afrika, de prachtige kust van Amalfi in Italië of de eilanden van de Schotse kust.




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