Gedetailleerde wandkaart van Ierland.
- Schaal: 1:550.000
- Afmetingen: 76 cm x 91 cm
National Geographic Maps' new Ireland wall map is one of the most authoritative maps yet published of the Emerald Isle. Of the nearly 1,000 place-names shown on this map, all within the Republic of Ireland adhere to that nation's constitution—that the Irish and English language share official status. Thus, Gaelic (Irish) place-names, along with their English variants in parentheses, are shown within Irish-speaking regions while English place-names, along with their Gaelic variants, are shown outside these areas.
Ireland Classic is ideal for those researching their Irish ancestry, a perfect tool for business reference, and a beautiful addition to any décor. It’s one of the largest and most detailed wall maps specifically for Ireland available today. Shown on the map are over 1,000 named places including primary and secondary towns, counties, political boundaries, infrastructure, and selected historical sites for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Place-name Details:
Per the Republic of Ireland’s constitution, the Irish and English languages share official status. In the Gaeltacht, or predominantly Irish-speaking regions, only Irish place-names have official status and are used on signposts. These districts are found within the counties of Cork, Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Mayo, Meath, and Waterford.
Place-names information for the Republic of Ireland contributed by An Roinn Gnotai Pobail, Comhionannais agus Gaeltachta/ Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs.
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- Schaal: 1:550.000
- Afmetingen: 76 cm x 91 cm
National Geographic Maps' new Ireland wall map is one of the most authoritative maps yet published of the Emerald Isle. Of the nearly 1,000 place-names shown on this map, all within the Republic of Ireland adhere to that nation's constitution—that the Irish and English language share official status. Thus, Gaelic (Irish) place-names, along with their English variants in parentheses, are shown within Irish-speaking regions while English place-names, along with their Gaelic variants, are shown outside these areas.
Ireland Classic is ideal for those researching their Irish ancestry, a perfect tool for business reference, and a beautiful addition to any décor. It’s one of the largest and most detailed wall maps specifically for Ireland available today. Shown on the map are over 1,000 named places including primary and secondary towns, counties, political boundaries, infrastructure, and selected historical sites for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Place-name Details:
Per the Republic of Ireland’s constitution, the Irish and English languages share official status. In the Gaeltacht, or predominantly Irish-speaking regions, only Irish place-names have official status and are used on signposts. These districts are found within the counties of Cork, Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Mayo, Meath, and Waterford.
Place-names information for the Republic of Ireland contributed by An Roinn Gnotai Pobail, Comhionannais agus Gaeltachta/ Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs.
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National Geographic is voor al bekend om zijn fraaie natuurbeelden die iedereen weleens gezien heeft. Ook het blad National Geographic is bij menig persoon bekend. Daarnaast heeft National Geographic uitstekende reisgidsen (Engels en Nederlands) en prima wegenkaarten (Adventure Maps) en wandelkaarten van de Rocky Mountains en natuurparken in Noord-Amerika.

National Geographic is voor al bekend om zijn fraaie natuurbeelden die iedereen weleens gezien heeft. Ook het blad National Geographic is bij menig persoon bekend. Daarnaast heeft National Geographic uitstekende reisgidsen (Engels en Nederlands) en prima wegenkaarten (Adventure Maps) en wandelkaarten van de Rocky Mountains en natuurparken in Noord-Amerika.
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Of u het product online via de webshop of in onze fysieke winkel gekocht heeft, de garantie is voor Zwerfkei hetzelfde. De garantietermijn kan per product en merk verschillen, van één jaar tot de volledige levensduur van het product. Garantie geldt in principe op alle materiaal- en/of fabricagefouten, en niet op defecten als gevolg van slijtage of verkeerd gebruik. In het geval van garantie wordt het defecte product vervangen, vergoed of hersteld door de fabrikant/importeur of door een professionele en gespecialiseerde reparateur.
Zwerfkei verzorgt de begeleiding en de afhandeling van garantiegevallen voor u. Wij bieden het product na beoordeling ter reparatie aan bij de fabrikant/importeur of één van hun professionele servicediensten. Wij onderhouden goede contacten met onze servicediensten en samen zorgen wij ervoor dat elk defect zo snel mogelijk opgelost wordt.
Ma | 13:00 - 18:00 uur |
Di | 09:00 - 18:00 uur |
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Vr | 09:00 - 21:00 uur |
Za | 09:00 - 17:00 uur |
Zo | gesloten |
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